
This episode isn’t a great scorer, it’s a creature feature and the best part is that it’s a bit creepy. Everything else is a little below average. The trend in ‘Angel’ is to focus on human weakness, rather than demon evil. The creature features in Season 1 are often demons in league with humans, or demons that humans have somehow brought upon themselves. In this episode a group of man-children make a deal with a demon to be rich and successful in return for impregnating unsuspecting women with demon spawn. Nice guys.

Thanks.  I mean, no one is more fond about Cordelia than I, but if she wants to go gad-abouting with those doxies…

Wesley is a bit of a prat, but he really needs to watch his language. It’s not acceptable to call someone a doxie. It’s from the 1500’s, and basically means ‘whore’. Not very nice Wesley. Then he starts questioning Cordelia’s work, commenting on how she’s sloppy and could be better at some things. I was under the impression that Wesley hasn’t even got a job, and it’s not a very attractive quality to drag someone else down to make yourself look important.

What is it with men in this episode? Cordelia is fluttering about Wilson Christopher like he’s the second coming, when in fact he’s a complete sleaze. He’s using all of the lines on her, flattering her with meaningless words. It’s enough to put you off dating.

One of those jerks hurt my friend.  I need to find him, fast.

It wasn’t that long ago that Angel couldn’t bear Cordelia Chase. She was a selfish, shallow and spoilt child who thought she could get whatever she wanted, and wasn’t very nice to Buffy. However, in the few short months Angel and Cordelia have spent together she has matured. She lost her fortune, took a chance on fame and fortune and moved to L.A., but she already knew about the demon world. Her fate veered off course as soon as she found Angel in L.A., or maybe even before that when she became a proxy member of the Scooby gang. Angel isn’t oblivious to these changes, and he’s grown fond of Cordelia. He has seen her great capacity for kindness, and her tenacity which might just keep them solvent. Perhaps Angel also wanted to hold on to her as a link to Sunnydale, and to Buffy. Whatever the reason he put up with her to start with, he genuinely cares about her now and when she becomes unexpectedly, hugely pregnant he drops everything to help her.

 Are my girls ready to party?

Cordelia grew up like any typical party girl and socialite (well, minus the demons), and in Season 1 of ‘Angel’ she is the damsel in distress so often that it starts to seem like lazy story telling. But, Cordelia’s determination and ability to bounce back and keep going makes the cliché of damsel in distress slightly less boring. She is coping with the unwanted visions with aplomb. She laughs off the mind-splitting pain, and doesn’t let them get in her way when she wants to go out with her friends. She has a sarcastic streak that she uses to protect herself from feeling too much, and in reality her callousness is just a coping mechanism to get her through this job. I think she used to be completely shallow and selfish, but as she changes she uses her old personality as a shield against the horrors she’s become accustomed to.

“I don’t think I ever realised how disgusting that was.”- Angel RE Cordelia drinking blood…

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